How long does it take for Blue Lotus to work? ​

“Egyptians prized this plant above all others because not only did it provide them with spiritual guidance through meditation or hunting fortune-telling dreams; they saw great medicinal value too.“

The blue lotus is a flower that has been used for centuries as both an essential element in several religions and theological practices around the world but also holds significant meaning. The Egyptians prized this plant above all others because not only did it provide them with spiritual guidance through meditation or hunting fortune-telling dreams; they saw great medicinal value too. 🌿

Uses of Blue Lotus

Many people today enjoy the effects of blue lotus from its sleep-inducing to its anxiety-relieving benefits. This exotic flower offers amazing sensations and enhances dream-like states as well as promotes lucid dreaming. Also known as the blue lily, the blue lotus is considered of very high spiritual and cultural importance. Due to its mild aphrodisiac effect, blue lily was considered a party drug.

Blue Lotus as a traditional medicine

Many people today enjoy the effects of blue lotus from its sleep-inducing to its anxiety-relieving benefits.  This exotic flower offers amazing sensations and enhances dream-like states as well as promotes lucid dreaming. 😴😴

Also known as the blue lily, the blue lotus is considered of very high spiritual and cultural importance. Due to its mild aphrodisiac effect, blue lily was considered a party drug. Historians think Egyptians used blue lily as a traditional medicine to treat a range of conditions and disorders including insomnia and anxiety. With its mind-alter substance, blue lotus is known as an entheogenic drug that spiritually brings one’s consciousness or is commonly used in place of “hallucinogenic” or “psychedelic”. 🥳

Why does blue lotus give euphoria?

The two main components of a blue lotus plant are the psychoactive and medicinal effects. The first component, apomorphine is found in high levels within its flowers while nuciferine provides more calming than stimulant qualities, making this an excellent strain for those seeking relief from pain or insomnia. 🛌🏽

“Apomorphine, a psychoactive compound instills a happy and euphoric feeling. It may also be great for people with Parkinson’s disease as it may help muscle control. On the other hand, Nuciferine acts as an antipsychotic drug that promotes calmness. When consumed, these compounds produce a gentle “high” that has been likened to the effects of cannabis.”

The active ingredient in the flower, Aporphine, is converted into Apomorphine inside the body. This chemical then travels through the bloodstream and into the brain, where it binds to dopamine receptors. Dopamine is a brain chemical that is associated with feelings of pleasure and euphoria.

When the levels of dopamine are increased, people may experience these feelings more intensely. In addition to its mood-altering effects, blue lotus is also known to have sedative and hypnotic properties. As a result, it can be helpful for people who are struggling with anxiety or insomnia. 💤💤💤

How much quantity do you need to enjoy blue lotus effects?

Blue lotus tea is the most common way to consume the plant, but it can also be smoked, vaped, or infused in wine and spirits. While the effects of blue lotus vary from person to person, most people report feeling a sense of relaxation and well-being. In some cases, the plant can also cause mild hallucinations. Whether you’re looking for a gentle euphoria or a more psychedelic experience, the blue lotus may be worth exploring. 

Each person reacts to blue lotus differently, and the herb’s effects will vary depending on the age, weight, and general health of the individual. For many people, the recommended dose of blue lotus is between 300 mg and 1 g. However, some people may need to consume more or less depending on their tolerance level.

How long does it take for Blue Lotus to work?

Blue lotus produces a light euphoria that is not as intense as other herbs. It is excellent for those who just want to relax and have a good time. The effects are not very noticeable, but the consumer will feel an excellent feeling. So, if one is looking for an over-stimulated high, they should look somewhere else. However, if someone is looking for a light euphoria, blue lotus is perfect. It is also important to note that blue lotus is non-addictive and does not produce any side effects. Therefore, it is an excellent choice for those who want to relax and have a good time without any worry. 🍵🍵🍵

When you take blue lotus, the high lasts for 2 to 3 hours, which is longer than most other herbs. It takes almost 10-15 mins to manifest its results entirely.

The fact that blue lotus has mild effects on the body makes it a safer choice for many people. Unlike some other substances, blue lotus does not have the potential to cause tolerance or dependence. This makes it an attractive choice for those looking for an alternative to alcohol or marijuana. Blue lotus is also non-addictive and does not interact with other medications, making it a safe choice for those with health concerns. In addition, blue lotus is legal in most jurisdictions, meaning that it is readily available and does not require a prescription. All of these factors make blue lotus a safe and attractive option for those seeking a natural way to relax or enhance their mood. 😋

The bottom line

If you’re looking for something with milder effects, then blue lotus is for you. You’ll still get an amazing feeling and it will uplift your mood.

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