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Since ancient times the Mayan and Aztec cultures have revered the cacao plant and have drunk it both in ceremony and during celebration. It was considered as a sacred plant medicine that connected humanity with the Divine. Even it’s botanical name Theobroma Cacao, is translated from the Greek language meaning Food of the Gods.

Cacao ceremony may assist in opening us to the full potentiality of multidimensional healing. Tribal Moon Cacao works simultaneously with the heart, the mind, the spirit and emotions. It grounds our soul into our physical body, awakens the heart, soothes the mind and invites Spirit and the Creator to show us the way of true awakening.

A cacao ceremony may involve deep shifts of energy, lucidity, profound awareness and connection to both ourselves and others. It shifts our subtle perception towards creativity, self expression and nurturing our connection to the Divine. Because of the uplifting and activating nature of Tribal Moon Cacao, our senses may truly begin to awaken with the power of love and awe for ourselves, others and the natural world that surrounds us.

In a cacao ceremony we offer participants a blend of raw ceremonial cacao with a natural sweetener like honey, agave or maple syrup. Sometimes other ingredients are added to the mix such as medicinal mushrooms, maca powder, cinnamon, cbd oil and vanilla. These other ingredients align with both the flavour and the vibrational quality of our pure cacao which is naturally rich and creamy.

During a sacred love ritual, blending rose, blue lotus or damiana with the cacao may enhance feelings of euphoria and divine love. The possible effect is deeper intimacy and euphoria. This synergistic combination of herbs may add gentle sensual undertones, making space for expanded consciousness to emerge.

While sitting in circle and as the cacao is being sipped with awareness, is usually the time when participants will set an intention for the ceremony. As we let go of what needs to be released within us we are clearing our energy, our body and emotions in order to more deeply respond to and activate our desired intention.

After meditation, journaling and deep breathing it is natural to want to move out of the head and into the heart and ground into our sensual nature through moving the body. It is possible that ceremonial grade cacao helps the left and right brain hemispheres to integrate and unite better, leading to a more present state of being. Now is a good time to dance.

Sacred dance is a conscious movement journey that feels good and aligns the dancer with the Divine Creator. It unlocks and moves stuck trauma through the body, allowing the mind and nervous system to relax and the body’s chi to flow freely.

Ecstatic dance is a conscious movement journey that feels good and aligns the dancer with the Divine Creator. It unlocks and moves trauma through the body, allowing the mind and nervous system to relax and the body’s chi to flow freely.

Music and sacred dance are peak experiences during our Tribal Moon cacao ceremonies and rituals. There are many healing components to dancing with intention during a Cacao ceremony.

Some potential benefits of Sacred Dance for the Body, Mind and Spirit:

The benefits that may arise from engaging in ecstatic dance during ceremony are conducive to allowing our intention the space it needs to blossom. It becomes possible for our prayers to merge with the intentions of the Creator. Through this process, conscious intent becomes a part of creation itself, offering us the opportunity to manifest our deepest heartfelt desires into our daily reality.

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