If you could talk to Santa Claus

By now and for the most part, ceremonial grade cacao may have just become one of your best friends. I mean, if you could talk to Santa Claus, you would most likely ask for the finest ceremonial grade cacao to be delivered personally to your door by Santa and the entire team right?? Hehe 🙂  Hmmm… How about having it in a ready-to-go 40g Single Ceremonial Dose Pack?

Well, we got news for you. And by “you” that includes you, Mr. Santa Claus. If you happened to read this, you might as well include this in your list of gifts.

 Two weeks ago, just launched a must-have packaging of your beloved Tribal Moon Cacao. And it’s a touch of magic, in a single easy to serve pack, the 40g Single Ceremonial Dose Pack. It is a 40g of already-crushed ceremonial grade cacao, ready to be consumed with genuine gratefulness and intention.


What’s up with this?

Nah… Nothing really… except it is still as awesome as ever. And now, because of its packaging, you can have it almost anytime and anywhere.

Let’s emphasize something here. This 40g Single Ceremonial Dose Pack, still has that divine cardiac stimulating power that primarily focuses on soothing your blood vessels, effectively boosting blood circulation 30-40% better. That’s the power of theobromine that blocks adenosine. More importantly, it increases the heart rate signaling the brain to respond faster.

Of course, we can’t just talk about theobromine when talking about cacao, we have to include magnesium, flavonoids, and anandamide. All minerals that are robust in cacao, and would certainly set your day right, straight from the get-go.

Let’s talk about magnesium since this food of the gods is known to be the highest natural source of magnesium. As you probably know by now, low energy days in recent years have been linked by experts to magnesium deficiency. In other words, you might as well have a stock of Tribal Moon Ceremonial grade cacao in your house in case of bad days.

Magnesium also has a significant role in all brain functions, most especially in memory and concentration. Its alleviating power in your cardiac system is a very effective mineral. To add to that, it relaxes the blood vessels and effectively decreases strain.

This is worth noting especially in the tougher than “usual tough days”. It’s really good to have this 40g Single Serving Ceremonial Dose Pack with you wherever your workplace, your place, or wherever you are.


To feed your heart and soul a little further…

This most likely is a piece of common knowledge about ceremonial grade cacao. However, it’s worth noting that this packaging didn’t lose its strong number of anandamides or the “bliss molecule”. This compound binds cannabinoid receptors in the brain and body, stimulating a sense of happiness, peace, and mental wellness. Essentially enhancing your serotonin level effectively helps you fight those mood swings.

Also, 40g Single Ceremonial Dose Pack still has that healthy number of flavonoids. Together with magnesium, it helps improve your blood circulation. This improvement in your blood flow, especially in the hippocampus, the region of the brain where learning and memory happen, dramatically helps your focus and your attention span.

Flavonoids’ effective way of increasing your body’s blood flow is significant even on your skin. You see, better blood circulation substantially helps in cell regeneration, which eventually leads to glowing healthy skin. Along with getting that glow, cacao also has the same polyphenol antioxidants as green tea. This helps you fight skin aging, helping you keep that young-looking skin.

The ideal drink just became more ideal…

 Now, is this packaging better? Well, it’s really for you to find out. All I know is it’s more portable and easier to prepare than ever. Again, it no longer comes in chunks but is already crushed, just waiting for a pour of good hot water (and maybe for some a sweetener of their choice) before it finally touches your lips.

This is of course if you want to have it as a drink, however, if making bliss balls, cakes, and other sweets is your fancy, well, this packaging still covers that. By the way, when you buy this 40g Single Ceremonial Dose Pack, a special recipe from Jay Hoad is written in the package. 

This is great news for daily employees, business entrepreneurs, up-and-coming CEOs, moms and dads, and everyone who grinds daily, as a superfood has never been this super easy to prepare. The ideal drink just became more ideal, by easing the process of preparation while keeping all its goodness. 

Just a quick side note, 40g Single Ceremonial Dose Pack contains one Ceremonial Serving or 40g and two “happy days” serving, that’s 15g to 20g. Amazing how you can have two servings in that single-serving packaging without missing all the benefits. 

In a fast-paced, almost merciless world, ceremonial grade cacao has always been that friend that comforts us when we are down and then encourages and strengthens us just to get us back again. The good news, over the past few days, friends, it has never been that easily accessible, (and from time to time affordable) until now. Don’t miss to check  for all the exciting promos awaiting for all ceremonial grade cacao lovers, like me!