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Cacao Eggnog

Cacao Eggnog
Cacao Eggnog
Cacao Eggnog

Cacao Eggnog: Well, Christmas may have just finished, but feeling to keep the Christmas vibe going a little bit longer. And honestly, with the eggnog’s universally delectable taste and ceremonial grade cacao’s flavorsome sophistication, this is certainly a blockbuster- Cacao Eggnog!


  • 80g Tribal Moon Ceremonial Cacao
  • 1 Can Coconut Milk
  • 2 Egg yolks (preferably organic & free-range)
  • 1/8 cup Maple Syrup
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Blend egg yolks & maple syrup until light and fluffy in a blender or food processor.
  2. Combine coconut milk, nutmeg, cinnamon, and cacao into a saucepan.
  3. Heat saucepan on medium-high heat until simmering.
  4. Once heated, turn the blender on low (with egg yolk & maple mix still in it) and slowly pour hot coconut milk mix in, while the blender is running.
  5. Transfer the whole mix back to the saucepan.
  6. Heat over medium heat until it’s thick and coats a wooden spoon while whisking constantly.
  7. You will know it’s done when you run your finger down the middle of the wooden spoon and a line stays clear.
  8. Remove from heat, add vanilla, and chill for 15 minutes
  9. Just a quick note, if you over chill, it will start to gel into more of a mousse.
  10. Serve in a fancy cup with a sprinkle of cacao shavings on top.
  11. Share and enjoy the magic!
IMPORTANT CACAO PREPARATION NOTES: Depending on what type of recipe you are creating, we always try and prepare cacao in the easiest possible way with the greatest amount of care. So here are a few helpful hints on how to do that.
  • If you need the cacao in more of a powder-type form for your recipe, just blitz larger chunks of Tribal Moon Cacao in a Nutri-Bullet, Thermomix, or Food Processor for 10 seconds. Then it is all ready to go without needing to chop or grate it. Easy 🙂
  • If you need to turn your cacao into more of a liquid type of consistency, simply pour boiling water into a pot with the cacao and stir over heat until it melts. NEVER LEAVE THE CACAO as it begins to get hot. If it starts to steam, that is as hot as you want to get. Try to NEVER RAISE the temperature of the cacao above 87 Degrees Celsius as it will lose some of its medicinal qualities.
  • Have fun 🙂